FOX by Esya G video DOWNLOAD - Download
FOX by Esya G video DOWNLOAD – Download
£ 8.61 Add to basket

FOX by Esya G video DOWNLOAD – Download

£ 8.61

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Esya G Magic Presents is proud to introduce, FOX a prediction and matching system that will blow your mind!

Imagine having your spectator remove 3 bills and place them into 3 different pockets (left, right and back)

You now state that before you left the house today you also placed 3 bills in to your 3 pockets. You remove a bill from your back pocket as you ask your spectator to do the same. When the bill are turned around they match!

You now remove a bill from your right hand pocket which matches the bill from their right and pocket and the same goes for the remaining pocket!

FOX is super easy to do and NO FORCING, FREE CHOICE, 100% accurate



Pockets are completely empty after the cards are removed

So what are you waiting for, Download it today!


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