Magic Wine List by Tora Magic

£ 301.46

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Produced and Designed by Tora Magic Company

The magician shows a wine list to the audience and then shows the pages of this wine list. There are different wine pictures on each page. He shows a particular wine picture to the audience, followed by magically making a real bottle of that exact wine appear from the book! Then he shows another wine bottle and, magically, that real wine bottle now appears. In total, the magician shows 5 wine bottle pictures and makes 5 real wine bottles appear in this way.You can perform this new item easily everywhere. You can perform it on different types of stages, in restaurants, hotels, etc.

You can even open a 5th bottle and pure some wine in glasses for the audience.

The 5th one is a real wine bottle. Of course, the magician can make the 5th bottle a different type of bottle, like a water bottle or soft drink, etc. (you will need to buy one).


  • A special book (Wine List)
  • 4 magic wine bottles
  • Instructional DVD