Out of Sleight by Cameron Francis and Big Blind Media video DOWNLOAD
Out of Sleight by Cameron Francis and Big Blind Media video DOWNLOAD
£ 25.80 Add to basket

Out of Sleight by Cameron Francis and Big Blind Media video DOWNLOAD

£ 25.80

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Ten incredible full routines that require NO SLEIGHT OF HAND! Zero Sleights, 100% AWESOME!

Employing both ingenious construction and the cleverest of devious methods, the material in ‘Out Of Sleight’ requires no sleight of hand skills, yet is utterly fooling. Using just some playing cards, a pen and a few business cards these ten routines will arm you with miracles! And with no worries about complicated sleight of hand, you can just concentrate on presenting your magic like a rockstar.

Cameron Francis, your genial host, will not only train you up in the required handling for each routine, he will also unleash performance advice and show you how to improve your magic.

So let’s get OUT OF SLEIGHT!


Out Of This Packet
Sleightless Sightless
Find The Kings
Humming Words
Gemini Annihilator
Date Fate

“Brilliant card plots from a brilliant creator! Hard to believe these effects are self working!”
– Dave Forrest

“Just brilliant tricks.”
– James Went


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